Monday, May 4, 2009

Can't You Just Pretend to be Nice?

(this is me, venting)

So, a couple things that really annoy me:

People not using proper grammar and punctuation. (Do we need to go back to elementary school?)
People saying they like "everything" by a certain author. (Until you've read EVERYTHING they've ever written and ever will write, you don't know that.)
People you used to know pretending they have nothing to do with you. (Hey, remember when we used to be friends and build tunnels in sand boxes and pretend we were orphans surviving in the wilderness together?)

Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe I'm being snarky and rude for no reason. Honestly, I don't know anymore. I'm not sure what my problem is. Just for the sake of some fun, maybe I will outline a bit of it...

Growing up. I suppose that really sums up the whole thing. For those of you who are confused: The Boy used to be one of my best friends ever. We got along swimmingly until we just stopped ever seeing each other. Awkwardness ensued. Especially for me, I think, because I sort of have/had a crush on him, and...I don't know. He has pretty eyes. Not the point.

Anywho, the Boy is very involved in the Youth Group & Sunday School crew who are slightly...cliquey? This may be my biased imagination. I never really went to Youth Group because I have dance class that night, and most of them are from the other town that is rather close to my town but still separate, so I don't know any of them. Sunday School is sort of excruciatingly awkward, and I have always had this vague feeling that they're somehow all better than me. So I sort have these mixed feelings of having this super snarky 'you guys are cliquey and annoying and cliche' attitude while secretly wanting to be them, but knowing I just don't fit in. Ah, the intense angst of teenagerism. *snort* I can't believe I'm writing this. *FAIL*

So the Boy and I pretty much don't ever talk anymore. We move in different circles. Which is fine. Occasionally, I like to stalk his facebook profile and make snarky remarks about it in my head. Occasionally, I actually say something to him. And I would be spiffycool about the whole thing if he replied to me like a normal person. But he sort of has this tone of, "I don't know why you're talking to me and am only going to make very basic responses." And he didn't use punctuation, which really ticked me off.

I suppose, overall, I'm exaggerating the situation into some sort of angsty ridiculous thing. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be rude and standoffish. I'm sure he really isn't very rude and standoffish. I'm just feeling the full force of intense teenagerism angst. And Growing Up and Growing Apart really are two of the suckiest things in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Too true, too true. *pats on the shoulder* I have to say, despite this all being angsty and what-not that you said it was, this line made me laugh.

    "and...I don't know. He has pretty eyes. Not the point."

    That is a sad story. Boys have this way of getting to us... Poo on them. And double poo on growing up and growing apart.
